When your family situation is getting bigger than you can handle, Michael E Carroll & Associates provides trusted attorneys to help you strategize, understand your options, and take legal action to get the best possible solution. While we understand sometimes family matters are highly contested and require a sensitive approach, our team is sure to provide an empathetic and understanding attorney to help resolve the issue. Located in Duluth, GA, call (678) 473-9472 to get started with our family attorneys.
how we can help
Below are a few family legal services our Michael E Carroll & Associates team provides. If you have any questions or concerns about your situation, don’t hesitate to reach out to our office for more information.
At Michael E Carroll & Associates, we understand that family matters are serious and require compassion. Led by highly experienced attorneys who provide the utmost compassion when helping families during these difficult times, we strive to be the premier family attorney in the area. For those looking for support on their legal journey, let Michael E Carroll & Associates be your first call.
Need an experienced family attorney? Call (678) 473-9472 to get started!
Contact Information
Phone: (678) 473-9472
Email: clients@michaelcarroll.law
Address: 2250 Satellite Blvd NW Suite 205, Duluth, GA 30097
Business Hours
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